For Sale

Here are the species that I currently have for sale, please read all of the Terms & Conditions at the bottom of the page before ordering! Minimum $25* order! Email to order!
ALL inverts offered are Captive Bred or Born, unless specifically stated otherwise.

New Additions (3/22/25):

Cheliferidae sp. "Flamingo, FL"
Filippinodillo sp. "Cordova, Philippines"
Pyrgodesmidae sp. "Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia"


Aglaopteryx gemma "Key Largo, FL" (Little Gem Roach)
This small but beautiful Pseudophyllodromid hails from the southeastern US, and has eluded culture for quite some time. Thankfully they've actually proven rather easy to breed, and enjoy humid and warm conditions, with good airflow. All life stages climb well, but thankfully adults of neither sex can fly.
*FL Legal*
10 Mixed nymphs: $25

Ancaudellia s. serratissima (Dark Dwarf Wood Roach)
Brand new to the US hobby, first ever offering here. This is one of the smallest Panesthiinae in the US hobby, second only to Salganea incerta. Adults and nymphs are a very dark brown/black color. Seems an overall hardy species.
10 Mixed nymphs: $60


Archimandrita tesselata (Peppered Roach)
A large, hardy staple of the pet hobby, these chunky beauties are a must have for lovers of large invertebrates. A large setup with a few inches of substrate and some sturdy vertical bark hides is recommended for the best results.
10 Mixed: $40

Arenivaga cf. apacha "Sunny Flat Campground, Cave Creek Canyon, AZ" (Apache Sand Cockroach)
A brand new species to culture, adult females of this strain are a beautiful dark red/purplish color, while males have silvery grey/tan wings covered in varying amounts of dark mottling (pronotum coloration is variable as well).
10 Mixed nymphs: $35

Arenivaga bolliana "Del Rio, TX - Dark Form" (Boll's Dark Sand Roach)
A rare color form of an already uncommonly cultured species, adult males of this form sport dark grey/black wings with slight tan speckling, and females are black with reddish abdomens. One of the easier to culture Arenivaga IMO.
10 Mixed nymphs: $45 (Ask for Availability)

Arenivaga bolliana "McAllen, TX" (Boll's Sand Cockroach)
The largest Arenivaga, this species appreciates a 50/50 humidity gradient, and they're huge fans of leaf litter. This is the standard color form.
10 Mixed nymphs: $40

Arenivaga cf. erratica "DOT Rest Area, Amado, AZ" (Erratic Sand Cockroach)
A medium sized Arenivaga, easy to breed. Females are a beautiful blood red, with males being pale with some nice red blushing on their pronotums.
10 Mixed nymphs: $35


Arenivaga cf. erratica "Phoenix, AZ" (Erratic Sand Cockroach)
This is the prettiest line of this species in culture IMO, females are beautiful varying shades of reds, and males are quite pale with some nice red blushing on their pronotums. Care is standard for the genus.
8 Mixed nymphs: $40 (Ask for Availability)


Arenivaga floridensis "Tampa, FL" (Tampa Sand Cockroach)
This color form of floridensis, much like the othes, has white nymphs with varying amounts of black mottling. Adults however are rather dark, females being black/reddish black with cream borders on the abdomen, and males are dark grey in color, with shorter wings than those of the lighter form. An overall smaller size as well compared to the light color form. This species must be kept on pure sand for optimal breeding and vigor.
*FL Legal*
8 Mixed nymphs: $85


Arenivaga cf. hopkinsorum "Peña Blanca, AZ" (Hopkins' Sand Cockroach)
Named after the parents of Heidi Hopkins, who famously revised the genus in 2014. This species is fairly simple to keep and breed, care is pretty typical for this genus. Males are heavily mottled, and females range from reddish to nearly black in coloration.
10 Mixed nymphs: $35


Arenivaga cf. tenax "Rodeo, NM" (Tenax Sand Roach)
A relatively new species to culture, adult females are a beautiful red color with some yellow spotting, while males have light tan wings covered in varying amounts of dark mottling. Very prolific, and hardy for this genus too, a great beginner's Arenivaga.
10 Mixed nymphs: $30


Arenivaga cf. tenax "Socorro, TX" (Tenax Sand Roach)
A relatively new species to culture, adult females are a beautiful dark red color with some yellow spotting, while males have light tan wings covered in dark mottling. Very prolific, and hardy for this genus too, a great beginner's Arenivaga.
10 Mixed nymphs: $30

Arenivaga tonkawa "Ector County, TX" (Tonkawa Sand Roach)
This is a recent addition to culture, more variable in coloration than the old "San Antonio" hobby stock.
10 Mixed nymphs: $30

Arenivaga tonkawa "San Antonio, TX" (Tonkawa Sand Roach)
A nice little native sand roach, one of the easiest to culture. They seem to prefer higher humidity than some other Arenivaga spp., but similar to the rest of the genus, need very high ventilation levels.
10 Mixed nymphs: $20


Arenivaga sp. "Animas, NM" (Animas Sand Cockroach)
A unique and quite possibly undescribed species, most similar to A.tonkawa IMO, however with some notable differences. Namely both males and females are more elongate than tonkawa, and this species also seems to have a preference for a more sandy substrate than tonkawa IME (though not a pure sand substrate).
8 Mixed nymphs: $40

Arenivaga sp. "DOT Rest Area, Amado, AZ" (Dark DOT Sand Cockroach)
A small dark species, collected alongside A.erratica in the same habitat (though this is a pure line of only the unidentified, dark species from this locality). Females range from very dark brown to dark red, males are usually pale, with some dark mottling.
10 Mixed nymphs: $30


Balta notulata (Small-Spotted Roach)
A small and fast breeding species with ornate patterning. I find them easy to rear personally, but they are intolerant of lapses in care, excessive dryness, very poor ventilation, and bad pest outbreaks. When kept optimally, can be used as feeders for arboreal predators.
10 Mixed: $30

Balta vilis (Plain Yellow Roach)
A small delicate species that is a plain but attractive yellow color. Fairly easy to set up and prolific if kept right, a must have for Pseudophyllodromid enthusiasts. First US offering in years!
10 Mixed: $20
25 Mixed: $30

Blaberus cf. chacoensis "Pantanal, Brazil" (Shield-spot Cockroach)
A very chunky species with nice, crisp coloration. Prefers drier conditions and good ventilation, as well as a chunky substrate mix. Also seems to like a bit of space, as adults (particularly the males) are quite territorial.
8 Small nymphs: $75 (Ask for Availability)

Blaptica dubia (Dubia Roach)
This is probably one of the easiest roaches to keep and breed, and possibly one of the best known feeder species out there, right next to red runners.
25 Mixed nymphs: $8
50 Mixed nymphs: $15

Cariblatta minima (Least Yellow Roach)
A very small, prolific, and ornately patterned species. A must have for tiny roach enthusiasts, and a good introduction to Pseudophyllodromids.
*FL Legal*
10 Mixed: $20 (Ask for Availability)

Chorisoneura parishi (Parish's Thin-nerved Roach)
A newcomer to the US hobby, and the easier to breed of the two Chorisoneura species that occur in the US. This species prefers a relatively dry setup, with good ventilation. All life stages can climb well, and are very fast!
*FL Legal*
10 Mixed: $25 (Ask for Availability)


Compsodes schwarzi (Schwarz's Hooded Micro-Roach)
Second smallest roach in the hobby, prolific and a great micro-feeder!
*FL Legal*
25 Mixed: $20
50 Mixed: $35
100 Mixed: $60
200 Mixed: $100
350 Mixed: $150

Deropeltis paulinoi (Ornate Velvet Roach)
An underrated hobby classic, this medium sized, attractively patterned species does well with good ventilation and high humidity. Prolific, and arguably the hardiest of the hobby Deropeltis sp..
10 Mixed nymphs: $40


Deropeltis sp. "RSA - Small" (Small Velvet Cockroach)
New to culture, this is easily the smallest species of Deropeltis in culture. Does well when provided with semi-humid to humid conditions, high ventilation and warmth.
10 Mixed nymphs: $60

Dipteretrum hanstroemi (Hanström's Little Runners)
A very underrated African species that breeds rather prolifically in warm, dry, well ventilated conditions. They have some feeder potential, though all life stages climb well.
10 Mixed nymphs: $20

Adult pair (Female L, male R)

cf. Dorylaea sp. "Philippines" (Philippines Plum Cockroach)
This species is new to US culture, and adults sport a beautiful dark purplish brown color. They are rather hardy and prolific so long as conditions are kept consistently moist. Low to moderate ventilation levels are best.
10 Mixed nymphs: $40

Episymploce sundaica (Javan Simple Roach)
This is the first offering for this species in the US in years! A simple looking but cute little roach, quite prolific and hardy, decent small feeder potential IMO.
20 Mixed: $20
40 Mixed: $30


Ergaula capucina (Burmese Beetle Mimic)
Another hobby classic, this was one of very few Corydiids to choose from back in the early days of the hobby. The long winged males have cream colored stripes across the middle of their wings, and females are very reminiscent of a beetle with their shorter, leathery wings.
10 Mixed: $30


Ergaula cf. silphoides (Big Black Beetle Mimic)
This species (previously misidentified as E.pilosa) is a large and hardy Corydiid, great for beginners and a staple of the pet roach hobby.
10 Mixed nymphs: $30

Eucorydia linglong "Guizhou, China" (Elegant Flower Roach)
A beautiful new species for the US hobby, with adults sporting an iridescent green/blue color, covered with velvety white hairs. Care is much the same as for most Eucorydia, though this strain requires a mild winter diapause. Very rare in culture.
10 Small nymphs: $150


Eucorydia westwoodi "Yunnan, China" (Heart Flower Roach)
So called for the heart-like shape that their patterning often creates on their wings, adults sport a beautiful color palate and some metallic iridescence to boot. Large for this genus as well, being more than twice the size of the most commonly cultured yasumatsui. Care is much the same as for most Eucorydia, this strain requires a mild winter diapause.
10 Small nymphs: $200 (Ask for Availability)


Eucorydia yasumatsui (Sapphire Flower Roach) 
Similar in care to Therea spp., these little beauties are the first of the Eucorydia spp. to become established in the US hobby. Adults do best with fruits and pollen in their diet, nymphs feed on more normal roach fares.
10 Small nymphs: $150 (Ask for Availability)


Eurycotis decipiens "Costa Rica" (Zebra Cockroach)
A hobby classic, that has unfortunately become more uncommonly kept over time. Beautifully patterned, this species prefers high humidity, and moderate to high airflow.
10 Mixed: $40

Eurycotis improcera (Ornate Scrub Roach)
One of the prettiest Eurycotis in the hobby, and easy and prolific to boot. Prefers relatively high humidity and warmth.
10 Mixed nymphs: $40

Euthlastoblatta abortiva (Fragile Roach)
Despite it's common name, this species is actually pretty dang hardy and prolific. They do best kept semi-humid and well ventilated. One of our prettiest natives, and an amazing new addition to culture!
10 Mixed: $30

Euthyrrhapha pacifica (Pacific Two-Spot Cockroach)
This is one of the smallest Corydiids in culture, but they make up for size in ease of care, and beautiful adult coloration/morphology. Both males and females are black with two bright orange spots on their tegmina. Instead of hatching out of their ootheca seam, nymphs of this species actually chew their way out of their oothecae!
10 Mixed nymphs: $50

Gromphadorhina portentosa "Masoala" (Common Madagascar Hisser) *Pure*
This is a brand new, PURE hisser strain for the US hobby, that were formerly cultured in a Belgium insectarium. Differs a bit in coloration from the "1972 Cleveland Aquarium" stock and is more variable, care is much the same though.
10 Mixed nymphs: $50


Gromphadorhina sp. "Unidentified" (Sidestripe Hissing Cockroach) *Pure*
Most likely a distinct locality or subspecies of G.portentosa. An impressive strain both in coloration and size, sadly the locality is unknown. Very uncommon in the hobby, rarely available!
10 Mixed nymphs: $65 (Ask for Availability)

Large male

Gromphadorhini sp. "Black" (Black Hisser)
This is the OG "Black Tiger" line, though as they are not P.vanwaerebeki "Tiger" (not pure ones at least), I am rejecting that naming convention in favor of this one. They likely aren't even pure G.portentosa IMO, but more likely a random mutt line that was line bred for jet black coloration over the years. Since this stock has been maintained for decades now and has some cultural significance as a result, I have made the decision to offer them up, but with labeling that I consider to be more taxonomically accurate.
10 Mixed nymphs: $50


Gyna bisannulata (Patchwork Roach) 
Probably one of the rarest Gyna in culture, this speices is similar in care to G.capucinaand needs decent space, constant food availability and a steady source of high heat for consistent breeding.
10 Mixed nymphs: $85

Gyna caffrorum (Chrome Roach)
A hobby staple, and one of the more bluish roaches in culture (especially fresh adults). These are prolific and hardy captives, preferring humid to semi-humid conditions, moderate to high ventilation, and warmth for optimal breeding.
12 Mixed: $25

Gyna capucina (Pink Roach) 
One of the holy grails of US Blatticulture, the Pink roach! These beauties are a bit more demanding than other Gyna spp., and need decent space and a steady source of high heat for consistent breeding.
10 Mixed nymphs: $65


Gyna cf. sculpturata (Rosy Pink Cockroach)
The newest Gyna to enter the hobby, and also one of, if not THE largest as well, some of the females get quite massive. Adults start off a beautiful light pink color, then fade to more of a tan as they age (males especially). Prefers high humidity IME.
10 Small nymphs: $85

Hebardina ugandana (Ugandan Ruby Roach)
This species is brand new to the US hobby, and has dark brown adults with deep red wings (with the males being more colorful than the females). Prefers high humidity and lots of surface area.
10 Mixed: $35 (Sold Out)

Hemiblabera granulata "Guadeloupe" (Granulated Roach)
This little species is brand new to culture, and is unique from other cultured members of this genus in it's small size, long antennae and granulated exoskeleton texture. Definitely a cute and easy species, worthy of a place in any roach keeper's collection.
10 Mixed nymphs: $35

Hemiblabera tenebricosa "Monroe County, FL" (Broad Keys Cockroach)
This is the TRUE H.tenebricosa, not the common hobby staple Hemiblabera cf. roseni, which has long been mislabeled as H.tenebricosa or H.brunneri.
Adults are black with red abdominal striping, with males being more vibrantly colored than females.
*FL Legal*
10 Mixed nymphs: $45

Hemithyrsocera palliata (Pallid Sun Roach)
Diurnal, prolific and a great display species and/or feeder for arboreal predators!
10 Mixed: $30

Latiblattella rehni (Rehn's Palm Roach)
This species is one of the largest US native Pseudophyllodromids, and likes good airflow and high humidity.
10 Mixed nymphs: $30

Margattea cf. bisignata "Macao" (Macao Spotted Roach)
A nice new addition to Blatticulture, this tropical species enjoys decent airflow and high air humidity. Nymphs are covered in little speckles and mottling, and adults are large for this genus.
10 Mixed nymphs: $30


Melanozosteria soror "O'ahu, Hawaii" (White-Margined Cockroach)
This species is a beautiful new addition to culture, with this genus being in the same subfamily as the fabled Polyzosteria. They require high ventilation levels, and seem to prefer a quarter to a third of the setup kept moist, the rest dry.
10 Mixed nymphs: $50

Neoblattella detersa (Polished New Roach)
A small, prolific, and ornately patterned species of Pseudophyllodromid that's a must have for any small roach enthusiast. The markings on the nymphs are beautiful, and this species is hardy to boot.
*FL Legal*
10 Mixed: $20 (Sold Out)


Neostylopyga rhombifolia "Chinese Hobby Stock" (Harlequin Roach)
A very pretty species that seems to regularly crash and boom in the US hobby. Many strains are finicky and have issues with ooths failing to hatch, random nymph die offs, etc., this strain doesn't appear to have that issue though. Males of this stock have pretty red coloration on their abdomens, females are more black.
10 Mixed: $35
20 Mixed: $50


cf. Nocticola sp. (Malaysian Micro-roach)
The smallest roach in culture, presumably of Malaysian origin, though apparently introduced to at least a couple other countries. Genetic analysis has shown that all three cf. Nocticola strains in culture are the same species. These are all parthenogenetic strains which do well and can be prolific when provided with high humidity and warmth.
*FL Legal*
("Malaysia" line) 10 Mixed: $20 - 20 Mixed: $30
("University Park, FL" line) 10 Mixed: $20
("Vienna Zoo" line) 10 Mixed: $20

"Malaysia" line
"University Park, FL" line
"Vienna Zoo" line

Panchlora sp. "Guadeloupe" (Ripe Bannana Roach)
A medium sized, pale green species with a broader body shape than other cultured Panchlora. Males often have two reddish brown streaks on their wings, which females lack.
10 Mixed nymphs: $45


Panchlora sp. "Hobby" (Rotund Banana Roach)
The original hobby Banana Roach, which has long been misidentified as P.nivea. However this species has a much more rotund subgenital plate than true nivea, and it's true identity remains a mystery. This species is prolific and a very vibrant green as adults.
10 Mixed: $25

Panchlora sp. "Redlands, FL" (Redlands Banana Roach)
A small but prolific Panchlora species, currently unidentified. A much paler green than nivea or sp. "Hobby", adults almost look ghostly against a dark substrate.
*FL Legal*
10 Mixed: $30


Panesthia angustipennis angustipennis "Sabah, Malaysia - Gold Winged Form" (Gold-Winged Wood Roach)
One of the largest and prettiest Panesthiinae in US culture, this is the first public offering of this strain here in the US. Slower growing and breeding than some of the other Panesthiinae I've kept, but just as easy overall.
10 Small nymphs: $70


Panesthia angustipennis cognata "Cambodia" (Orangeback Roach)
New and very rarely available in the US hobby, this is a slow growing and breeding species that needs a substrate of rotten wood. Medium/Large nymphs are beautifully patterned, and the chunky little adults are adorable as well!
10 Mixed nymphs: $60
20 Mixed nymphs: $95

Paranauphoeta formosana (Formosan Assassin Mimic Roach)
This is the largest of the Paranauphoeta in the US hobby. A beautiful species who's mimicry of Acanthaspis spp. assassin bugs is pretty on point. Prefers high ventilation and semi-humid conditions.
10 Mixed nymphs: $75

Paraplecta cf. minutissima "Kenya" (Little Kenyan Roach)
The smallest Blaberids in the hobby, this species does well in semi-humid setups with good ventilation and heat, and as such are often paired with hissing roaches as a little cleaner crew.
12 Mixed: $10

Parcoblatta americana "Table Rock, Boise - ID" (American Wood Roach)
US native, can take a while to get cultures established, but makes for a good occasional feeder that breeds at room temps, and won't infest your house!
10 Mixed nymphs: $20


Parcoblatta uhleriana "Bibb County, AL" (Uhler's Woods Roach)
An unusually high red form of this squat Parcoblatta species, prolific, hardy, and doesn't require a diapause either.
*FL Legal*
10 Mixed: $30

Periplaneta americana "Venom" (American Roach)
This is a cross between the "White Eye" and "Black" morphs of this species, and the contrast in the dark coloration and pale eyes is quite striking!
*FL Legal*
10 Mixed: $30

Periplaneta brunnea "EU Hobby Stock" (Brown Cockroach)
Adults of this species look extremely similar to Periplaneta americana, though with a richer brown color and usually more faded pronotum markings. Nymphs are absolutely beautiful and ornately patterned in different shades of brown, cream and black. Despite looking the part, these are not house pests, and are often considered one of the least hardy Periplaneta in culture.
*FL Legal*
10 Mixed: $20


Periplaneta japonica "NYC, NY" (Japanese Cockroach)
This Japanese native has been introduced to New York, and seems to do well in urban environments where it gets cold during the winter (though no diapause is required for this strain). Prefers high humidity.
10 Mixed: $30


Perisphaerus punctatus "Macao" (Punctate Roly-poly Roach)
A brand new species to culture, first US offering! This species is very similar to P.pygmaeus, but is larger, glossier, more arboreal, hardier, and can handle slightly drier setups as well (though high air humidity is important). At last, an alternative to P.pygmaeus in the hobby!
10 Mixed nymphs: $85

Perisphaerus pygmaeus "Taiwan" (Pygmy Roly-poly Roach)
The OG Roly-Poly Roach! As the common name suggests, females and nymphs of this species can curl into balls, much like many isopods! Rarely available, intermediate in terms of care difficulty.
10 Mixed nymphs: $150

Polyphaga aegyptiaca "Sinai" (Egyptian Sand Roach)
The original hobby "Sand Roach", a staple of the pet hobby for decades. A burrowing species that does well in dry conditions. Quite prolific and hardy, hard to go wrong with these.
10 Small nymphs: $30 (Ask for Availability)


Princisia vanwaerebeki "Big/Black - 2017 CCR" (Vibrant Hisser) *Pure*
The most basic form of this species in cultivation, with most adults sporting black base coloration, with orange/yellowish abdominal margins. This particular stock throws out a decent number of completely black adults, which is unusual for pure stock of this species, but all males of this stock have the characteristic notch on the anterior margins of their pronotums, while hybrid lines normally have variable pronotum shapes.
10 Mixed nymphs: $45
5 Small/Medium adult males: $25

Major male

Princisia vanwaerebeki "Tiger" (Tiger Hisser) *Pure*
My culture is descended from Roachcrossing's old stock. A beautiful and hardy hisser species, often erroneously labeled as "Gromphadorhina grandidieri". Prefers higher humidity compared to most other hissers.
10 Mixed nymphs: $40

Pseudoglomeris tarsalis "Thailand" (Golden Footed Cockroach)
This species is the hardier and more beginner friendly alternative to the coveted P.magnifica. They are a beautiful jet black color, with golden yellow tarsi and cerci. New to the US hobby and still quite rare here, this is a must have for the Perisphaerinae collector.
10 Mixed nymphs: $150


Pseudomops septentrionalis "San Antonio, TX" (Pale-bordered field roach)
Parent stock collected in 2016. A beautiful US native that has brightly colored adults, and is prolific to boot!
*FL Legal*
10 Mixed nymphs: $30

Pseudophyllodromidae sp. "Redlands, FL" (Rusty Redlands Roach)
An small, unidentified species, ornately patterned and sexually dimorphic. Prefers high humidity, and decent airflow.
*FL Legal*
10 Mixed: $40

Pycnoscelus surinamensis "Dark" (Dark Surinam Roaches)
A dark strain of Surinam roaches that were accidentally being traded as P.nigra (Shadow Roaches). The adults in this culture range from brown to nearly black. Care is the same as other surinamensis.
*FL Legal*
10 Mixed: $12
20 Mixed: $20

Symploce morsei "Key Largo, FL" (Morse's Symploce)
A pretty species that does well when kept humid, and loves hiding in leaf litter. Nymphs go through a significant color pattern change through their life cycle, which is fun to watch. 
*FL Legal*
10 Mixed: $20 (Ask for Availability)

Large nymph

Tagaloblatta sp. "Okinawa, Japan" (Japanese Small Runners)
This cute little species has decent micro-feeder potential, maxing out at about a cm in length, and pretty prolific breeders as well. Prefers high humidity and warm temps for best breeding rates. Interestingly, there seem to be two different adult "castes", which are not sex linked. There are non-climbing, microapterous adults, and (poorly) climbing, macroapterous adults.
12 Mixed: $25
25 Mixed: $35

Tagaloblatta sp. "Wannag 3, PNG" (Wannag Small Runners)
This species has been floating around the EU hobby as an unidentified Ectobiid, but after getting my hands on some it became clear they were actually another species of Tagaloblatta! Just as hardy and prolific as the sp. "Okinawa", and with the same bizarre tegmina length variance.
12 Mixed: $30

Therea regularis (Orange Domino Cockroach)
A beautiful staple of pet roaches, these cuties are a bit slower to establish colonies of than the other more common Therea spp., but are well worth the time invested.
10 Mixed nymphs: $50 (Ask for Availability)


Gryllus cf. firmus "Fort Morgan, AL" (Fort Morgan Field Cricket)
A beautiful and large Gryllus species with a pleasant call, and no diapause requirement. Not super cannibalistic or difficult to keep communally, just provide lots of hides and surface area. Seems to like it fairly humid.
10 Mixed nymphs: $30


Euborellia annulipes "St. George, UT" (Ring-Legged Earwig)
A neat, medium sized species, much like E.arcanum they spend most of their time underground. Hardy and prolific.
10 Mixed nymphs: $30

Euborellia arcanum "Auburn, AL" (Giant Arcane Earwig)
One of the largest species found in the US, with wingless adults, these are pretty easy to culture. Keep them on several inches of substrate, feed them dog food and dead or dying invertebrates, keep humidity high, and they will thrive.
10 Mixed nymphs: $55


Marava arachidis "Long Key Natural Area, FL" (Vibrant Dwarf Earwig)
This small but beautiful earwig is easy to culture, preferring high humidity, lots of protein, and plenty of hides.
10 Mixed nymphs: $40

Marava pulchella "AUM, AL" (Dwarf Pretty Earwig)
A small but attractively patterned US native, easy to breed and rear.
10 Mixed: $40

Paralabella curvicauda "Homestead, FL" (Black & Pink Micro-wig)
A tiny species with cute morphology and neat coloration. Fast breeding and growing, definitely a must have for the earwig enthusiast (all 5 of us 🤣).
10 Mixed: $35

True Bugs:

Platymeris biguttatus "Ghost" (White Spot Assassin Bug)
This morph of P.biguttatus has very pale striping on the legs compared to the wild type form, and nymphs hatch out with white abdomens, as opposed to the normal red (though this is lost when they molt to L2).
1 Small nymph: $9
10 Small nymphs: $85 (Ask for Availability)



Alphitobius diaperinus (Lesser Mealworm)
A small, prolific darkling beetle, commonly used as feeders and/or cleaner crews for feeder roaches.
10 Mixed: $5

Chalcolepidius webbii (Webb's Metallic Elater)
This species is stunning and exceedingly rare in culture. Adults have beautiful black and white patterning with a metallic blue sheen to them (especially on their underside). Intermediate care for an Elaterid.
8 Small larvae: $175 (Ask for Availability)

Coelus ciliatus "Montara, San Mateo Co., CA" (Ciliate Dune-Loving Beetle)
These rotund, hairy little darklings from the Pacific coast are psammophiles, requiring a fine sand substrate, preferably topped with some leaf litter. Their larvae are abnormally slender and elongate, and could not differ more from the adult form. An interesting species that any Tenebrionid enthusiast should look into!
10 Mixed larvae: $40

Conibius seriatus (Red & Blue Micro-Darkling)
Cute, easy to rear species of desert darkling, very fast growing, potential use as a feeder. Does well with hissing cockroaches.
10 Mixed: $15 (Sold Out)

Cyaneus angustus (Larger Black Flour Beetle)
This cosmopolitan yet seemingly uncommon grain pest is easy to culture, and adults reach about 7 mms in length. Prefers some moisture availability, but most of the setup should be dry. Good micro-feeder potential IMO.
10 Mixed: $15

Dermestes ater "Kuna, ID" (Black Larder Beetle)
A very fast growing and breeding species, prefers larger dead insects like roaches as the staple diet, but will also nibble on dog food.
10 Mixed larvae: $15 

Dermestes undulatus "Tooele, UT" (Peppered Dermestid)
This beautiful species readily accepts a wide variety of protein sources for breeding, and is rather prolific.
10 Mixed: $30

Eleodes armata "Bruneau, ID" (Armed Darkling Beetle)
This decent sized and hardy species is unique in that adults of both sexes have femoral spines on all six legs. This particular particular strain has proven quite easy to rear, with high pupal survival rates.
10 Mixed larvae: $25

Eleodes dissimilis "Paradise, AZ"
A cute medium sized darkling that is new to culture, hardy and easy to breed.
10 Mixed larvae: $20

Eleodes littoralis (Dwarf Wooly Darkling Beetle)
A very small but very cute species of Eleodes, brand new to culture and very easy to breed!
10 Mixed: $25

Eleodes longicollis "Santa Cruz Trail, AZ" (Elongate Darkling)
A hardy, easy to rear and prolific species that reaches a decent size. Adults are quite slender and glossy in appearance.
10 Mixed larvae: $20

Eleodes nigrina "Kuna, ID" (Dark Desert Beetle)
This species is pretty nifty, and seldom cultured. They are slower, less prolific breeders than some other Eleodes spp., but fairly robust and easy to culture.
8 Mixed larvae: $25 (Ask for Availability)

Eleodes spinipes macrura (Giant Texas Darkling Beetle)
One of the largest US darkling beetles, truly a hefty species, and easy to rear to boot! Females are quite rotund, whereas males are a bit skinnier and have extensions at the tips of their elytra called "mucros".
10 Mixed larvae: $20


Eleodes suturalis "Buffalo Gap, TX" (Red-Backed Darkling Beetle)
A large and prolific species, care seems similar to E.spinipes. Adults sport a thick red stripe going down their backs, and have an almost Pie-dish shape to them as well as small mucros on the males.
10 Mixed larvae: $30

Embaphion c. contusum "Las Cruces, NM" (Bruiser Pie-dish Beetle)
A cute little species of Pie-dish Beetle that's hardy and fast breeding to boot, one of the coolest and easier to breed Tenebs in culture IMO.
10 Mixed larvae: $20

Embaphion depressum (Depressed Pie-dish Beetle)
These little cuties are the smallest Embaphion in culture, and also the least "Pie-dish" shaped. Still, very unique in morphology and absolutely adorable, prefers a sandy mix for optimal breeding.
10 Mixed larvae: $30

Embaphion muricatum "Chaves County, NM" (Pie-dish Beetle)
The OG Pie-dish darkling beetle. A hardy, easy to breed species, adults have some of the most unique and exaggerated morphology of any cultured darkling.
10 Mixed larvae: $30
1 Adult: $10

Gondwanocrypticus cf. platensis "Gulf Shores, AL" (Platonic Chibi Darklings)
A small and fast moving species found in parts of the southeastern US, these cuties prefer a sandy substrate, topped with some organic matter.
8 Mixed: $30

Mezium affine (Shiny Spider Beetle)
A staple of the grain pest hobby, easy to rear on dog food and/or oats.
10 Mixed: $5

Neatus tenebrioides "Livonia, MI" (Neat Mealworms)
A nice new addition to culture, this species is closely related to Tenebrio and can be reared in a similar fashion, but appreciates more humidity. Prolific and can be used as feeders.
10 Mixed: $15

Nocibiotes cf. granulatus (Granulate Narrow Micro-Darkling)
A brand new addition to culture, easy to rear and decently prolific. They produce a nice glaucous coating to them when kept dry and undisturbed, and sport red legs. Females have caudate elytral tips, compared to the fully rounded elytra of males.
8 Mixed: $25

Nyctoporis carinata "Azusa, CA" (Carinated Darkling)
This very heavily sculpted and textured darkling species does well in captivity, preferring a drier setup with a moist corner.
8 Mixed larvae: $30

Stegobium paniceum (Drugstore Beetle)
Common pests of stored plant and animal based products, these are easy to culture in just about anything, dog food, oats, etc, don't seem to need moisture either. Could be used as tiny feeders.
12 Mixed: $5
30 Mixed: $10  (Ask for Availability)

Tenebrio molitor "Weissman Giant" (Giant Yellow Mealworm)
This line bred strain averages twice the size of common hobby stock T.molitor, without any fatal growth hormones or chemicals influencing their size.
10 Mixed $15

Tenebrio obscurus (Dark Mealworm)
Breeds at a comparable rate to T.molitor, but the larvae are typically dark brown rather than yellow.
10 Mixed larvae: $5

Triorophus sp. "Fort Stockton, TX" (Ft. Stockton Huckleberry Darklings)
A small but hardy species of darkling beetle that's easy to breed. When untouched and kept dry, adults develop a thick powdery blue coating on their exoskeletons, that makes them look like little huckleberries IMO. Brand new to culture, and hopefully a new hobby staple!
8 Mixed larvae: $30

Zophobas atratus "Sugarloaf Key, FL" (Superworm Beetle)
This wild type strain of Z.atratus differs markedly from the pet hobby stock in that the elytral striations are much deeper and larger. A completely different bloodline than the common hobby stock.
10 Mixed larvae: $15
20 Mixed larvae: $25
30 Mixed larvae: $30


Clogmia albipunctata (Drain Moth Fly)
This is probably the most widespread species of Psychodidae, found in houses and sewage systems worldwide. They are extremely fast growing and prolific, and have great feeder potential IMO.
10 Mixed larvae: $20
30 Mixed larvae: $35

Lepiseodina conspicua "Holly, MI" (Showy Moth Fly)
This is probably the most beautiful moth fly in the US, and certainly the prettiest in culture! Care is the same as for other Psychodidae.
10 Mixed larvae: $30

Setomima nitida (Black Fairy Moth Fly)
These little cuties are brand new to the hobby, probably the first time they've ever been publicly sold! Easy to culture, prolific, and has some oddball feeder potential, for small predators that like flying prey.
10 Mixed larvae: $20
30 Mixed larvae: $45


Armadillidae sp. "Miyako, Japan" (Red Edged Roly-Poly)
A cute, slow breeding species from Japan, that spends a lot of time underground. An organically rich, chunky substrate is recommended, as well as high humidity.
10 Mixed: $35

Armadillidium corcyraeum (Greek Spotted Roly-poly)
A beautiful species similar in appearance and care to A.maculatum. These can be a bit slow to establish at first, but are quite prolific when they do breed, (like most members of this genus). The amount of white patterning varies greatly from individual to individual.
10 Mixed: $20

Armadillidium maculatum "Italian Hobby Stock" (Zebra Roly-Poly)
The standard zebra roly-poly, which helped kickstart the isopod hobby craze nearly a decade ago. Easy to breed and prolific to boot.
10 Mixed: $25

Armadillidium maculatum "Yellow" (Yellow Zebra Isopod)
A beautiful morph in which the white banding/spotting is instead yellow. A diet high in beta-carotene really seems to make the yellow coloration pop.
10 Mixed: $50

Armadillidium nasatum "Kuna, ID" (Nosy Roly-Poly)
This particular locality is quite variable in color, with typical dark grey, light grey and orange/peach individuals mixed in. Rather than isolate the different colors I've decided to leave them be, a true expression of the variability in this one locality.
10 Mixed: $15

Armadillidium nasatum "Livonia, MI - White-Out" (Nosy Roly-Poly)
This morph was originally selected for and distributed by Kyle from Roachcrossing, though was done so before it was completely isolated. However after switching a couple hands, this particular stock (which I got from Rus of Aquarimax) now breeds 100% true.
10 Mixed: $30

Armadillidium vulgare "Kuna, ID" (Common Roly-Poly)
This is just standard wild type stock from Kuna, ID. Captive individuals from this locality tend to be range from dark to light grey or tan, with lots of yellowish mottling.
10 Mixed: $15

Armadillidium vulgare "Kuna, ID - Basalt & Sunflower" (Common Roly-Poly)
A brand new, line bred strain for the isopod hobby, isolated by fellow ID local Sarah Harper. This strain throws out both dark grey and high yellow individuals, and honestly looking at a clump of them reminds me a lot of Porcellionides cf. virgatus "Big Pine Key".
10 Small individuals: $75

Armadillidium vulgare "Orange Vigor" (Orange Vigor Roly-Poly)
Originally isolated and refined by Roachcrossing, this beautiful, large and hardy line of vulgare is definitely a worthy addition to any isopod enthusiast's collection.
10 Mixed: $30

Armadillidium vulgare "Punta Cana" (Punta Cana Roly-Poly)
This line has a very variable coloration, and averages a bit larger than some other vulgare lines. Personally I'm unsure whether this line has been contaminated/mixed with any other lines, but if so it had to be done years ago (and there may no longer be untainted Punta Cana colonies in the US Hobby anyways).
10 Mixed: $30

Armadillo officinalis (Hissing Roly-poly)
I believe this is the OG hobby stock, imported circa 2017 without locality info. A hardy species that enjoys low humidity and high ventilation.
10 Mixed: $30

Caraiboscia christiani "Julio Enrique Monagas Park, Puerto Rico" (Christian's Dwarf Isopod)
This cute little isopod (formerly ID'd as Trichorhina sp. "Puerto Rico"), is like a much faster moving, glossier and more slender T.tomentosa. A very cute little species that's fairly prolific. Enjoys high humidity.
10 Mixed: $15
30 Mixed: $30

Cristarmadillidium muricatum (Spanish Spiny Isopod)
These are one of the more readily available "spiny" isopod species. Fairly easy to keep and breed, though cultures can be slow to establish.
10 Mixed: $100

Cubaris sp. "Blue Pigeon"
A hardy species, individuals can produce a slightly bluish coating to their exoskeletons, but in most lighting they look grey.
8 Mixed: $30

Cubaris sp. "Cute Honey Tiger"
This slow breeding, almost opalescent species is attractively patterned and a must have for "Cubaris" enthusiasts. Prefers high humidity, decent airflow, and lots of decaying organic material. 
8 Mixed: $80

Cubaris sp. "Panda King" (Panda King Isopod)
A very prolific and easy to breed Cubaris that tolerates a wide level of ventilation and temperature ranges.
10 Mixed: $25

Cubaris sp. "Panda King - White" (White Panda King Isopod)
The "white-out" morph expression in this species, just as hardy and easy to breed as the wild type.
10 Mixed: $35 (Sold Out)

Cubaris sp. "Rubber Bee"
This adorable species prefers high humidity and airflow, as well as a chunky substrate and bark to hide under. Pretty hardy, and colonies produce robustly when well established.
10 Mixed: $70

Cubaris sp. "Rubber Ducky - 2017 Import Line" (Rubber Ducky Isopod)
This is the untainted, original hobby line of sp. "Rubber Ducky", which has very clean and consistent coloration (compared to the hobby stocks nowadays that are mostly locality mixes with highly variable coloration, lots of "pinks" and "blonde" individuals mixed in). You will be hard pressed to find Rubber Duckies with as consistent and solid of grey banding as you will find in this line.
10 Mixed: $125

Cubaris sp. "White Shark"
This dwarf species is quite colorful, and hardy and prolific to boot! Prefers high humidity and moderate to high ventilation.
10 Mixed: $50 (Ask for Availability)

Cylisticus convexus "Eagle, ID" (Curly Isopod)
A common backyard species, hardy and easy to breed. Individuals of this species can curl up when disturbed, but not into a perfect sphere, but rather a teardrop shape.
12 Mixed: $10

Cylisticus convexus "Ukraine - Pied" (Curly Isopod)
A beautiful morph of this species, hailing from Ukrainian stock. Does best in very humid conditions.
10 Mixed: $15

Eluma caelata "El Granada, CA" (Slender Velvet Roly-Poly)
A cute species that enjoys warmth, a well ventilated setup and a humidity gradient. This species has rather unique and slender morphology for a conglobating species, and they're also covered in fine hairs, giving them a velvety appearance.
10 Mixed: $75

Elumoides sp. "Miami, FL" (Yellow Submarine Picopod)
A very tiny species, with very bright yellow coloration when offered a carotene rich diet (such as color enhancing fish foods). Otherwise their coloration tends to be more on the ivory/white side. Prefers high humidity and low to moderate ventilation.
10 Mixed: $50

Filippinodillo sp. "Cordova, Philippines"
A large and variably patterned member of this genus, this rarity prefers high humidity, good airflow, and a chunky substrate mix topped with bark.
10 Mixed: $250

Filippinodillo sp. "Sabah, Malaysia"
A hardy and easy to keep representative of this genus, they are also variable in coloration and patterning. Prefers high humidity and moderate to high ventilation.
10 Mixed: $30

Haplophthalmus danicus
A small pale substrate dweller, that does best when kept on a moist, rotting wood based substrate. Rotten wood and decaying leaf litter make up the bulk of their diet, not much supplemental food is eaten. Slow breeders.
("New Church, VA" line) 8 Mixed: $20
("Hickory Dickory Park, AL" line) 8 Mixed: $20

Helleria brevicornis "Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France" (Giant Burrowing Roly-Poly)
The largest terrestrial conglobating (curling) isopod in culture, needs a deep organically rich substrate. Slow growing and breeding, but gives birth to large litters once a year. A mild winter cool period (60-65F°) is needed for yearly reproduction.
10 Mixed: $85

Miktoniscus cf. medcofi (Medcof's Slender Micro-pod)
This tiny species has a uniquely slender build I've not seen in many other cultured isopod genera. They are heavy burrowers and prefer a humid and organically rich substrate.
("TX" line) 10 Mixed: $15 (Sold Out)
("AL" line) 10 Mixed: $15

"AL" line
"TX" line

Nagurus cristatus (Dwarf Grey Isopod)
A small, parthenogenetic species, that has traditionally been cultured for a wide variety of CUC and feeder uses. Prefers high humidity.
10 Mixed: $15

cf. Nesodillo arcangelii "Yeti" (Yeti Isopod)
This morph of N.arcangelii appears to represent the "White Out" type mutation for this species, isolated from the "Silver Ghost" line. There is absolutely no black/grey pigmentation on this morph, even the eyes are white!
10 Mixed: $35

Porcellio bolivari (Bolivar's Isopod)
One of the prettiest Porcellio species IMO, with beautiful white and yellow coloration and black highlights. Similar in care to other Spanish Porcellio spp., males can be quite territorial.
10 Mixed: $50

Porcellio hoffmannseggi "Orange" (Orange Titan Isopod)
A good beginner's alternative to P.magnifica, this awesome morph of a large, easy Spanish Porcellio is a must have for isopod collectors!
10 Mixed: $85

Porcellio magnificus (Magnificent Orange Isopod)
A huge, pretty isopod species, can be decently prolific but they're seasonal breeders. High ventilation and a humidity gradient with only a corner or two of the setup humid.
10 Mixed: $90

Porcellio ornatus "High Yellow - Witch's Brew"
This is the Dalmatian morph in the "High Yellow" line of P.ornatus. An absolutely beautiful line of hardy, prolific Spanish Porcellio, definitely a must have for hobbyists!
10 Mixed: $45

Porcellio silvestrii (Silvestri's Sowbug)
This was one of the first Spanish Porcellio to make it to the US hobby, back when the isopod hobby craze had just begun. Males tend to be bright orange, and females are usually grey, though there is some overlap in coloration for both sexes.
10 Mixed: $30

Porcellio succinctus (Succinct Sowbug)
One of the most popular and coveted Spanish Porcellio species. These seem to appreciate conditions similar to the other Spanish Porcellio, but slightly higher humidity than say P.expansus.
This particular line is also known to throw out completely white individuals from time to time.
10 Mixed: $100

Porcellio werneri (Greek Shield Isopod)
A beautiful, very flat Spanish Porcellio. Hardy and easy to breed, though a seasonal breeder, generally reproducing in the Spring and Fall. Care is standard for the Spanish representatives of this genus.
10 Mixed: $50

Porcellionides pruinosus "Melba, ID" (Powder Blue Isopod)
This particular strain was collected by yours truly, and has been examined by expert Nathan Jones and confirmed to be true P.pruinosus. A hardy, prolific species, good for use as a feeder or CUC.
10 Mixed: $12

Porcellionides cf. virgatus "Big Pine Key, FL" (BPK Beauties)
A beautiful, likely undescribed species within the virgatus complex, slow breeding/growing, preferring conditions similar to some Spanish Porcellio. Super variable in coloration, some of the prettiest isopods I've ever seen!
10 Mixed: $85

Porcellionides cf. virgatus "Miami" (Miami Beauties)
One of the more plain cf. virgatus localities, though still variable in coloration and patterning. Likes high humidity and high airflow.
10 Mixed: $65

Proporcellio vulcanius "Glen Rose, TX"
A very handsome species of isopod, relatively new to culture and not widely kept yet. About half the size of Porcellio scaber, very prolific, and hardy, a great addition to any isopod enthusiast's collection. Prefers semi-humid conditions.
10 Mixed: $30

Reductoniscus tuberculatus (Borneo Spiky Isopod)
A small but very cool species with unique morphology. Seems to enjoy high humidity coupled with good ventilation. These burrow a lot and are relatively slow growing.
10 Mixed: $50

Sinodillo sp. "Vietnam" (Red-bordered Racing Isopod)
A beautiful species that has a waxy silvery sheen to them in person. Most individuals in my culture sport beautiful red coloration around the borders of their body segments. These are very fast isopods, and very good hiders too.
8 Mixed: $30

Spherillo sp. "Dream" (Dream Isopod)
A beautiful, multicolored, almost opalescent species. They appreciate semi humid conditions, good ventilation, and lots of surface area. They are somewhat slow breeding and growing, but not a difficult species.
10 Mixed: $150

Trachelipus sp. "Balkan Giant"
A large species of Trachelipus with variable coloration. Hardy and easy to breed, though a bit slow growing.
10 Mixed: $25

Trichorhina tomentosa (Dwarf White Isopod)
Perhaps the most common and well known isopod in culture. Can make decent feeders for tiny predators, and are often used as cleaner crews or additives to bioactive setups (though personally I'm opposed to their use for either of those). Parthenogenetic, and breeds best when humidity is high.  
15 Mixed: $5

Troglodillo sp. "Green Spot"
A stunningly patterned species, prefers good airflow, semi-humid conditions, and lots of bark and leaf litter hides. Very slow growers with typically small broods, though they produce said broods often.
10 Mixed: $200 (Ask for Availability)

Venezillo arizonicus "Sahuarita, AZ" (Dwarf Desert Roly-Poly)
This US native is adapted to thriving in some of the warmest, driest areas of the southwest. Prefers only a corner or two of their enclosure kept humid, the rest dry, with good ventilation and temperatures above 75F° (preferably in the 80-85F° range) for optimal reproduction.
10 Mixed: $100 (Ask for Availability)

Venezillo parvus "Dalmatian"
This small species is hardy and prolific, and one of the OG cultured isopods before the fancier Spanish Porcellio spp. entered the hobby and kicked it off to high gear. Could be used as cleaner crews in humid setups.
10 Mixed: $15

Venezillo pisum "Everglades, FL"
A small, cute US native, uncommon in culture. Prefers high humidity and moderate to high airflow.
10 Mixed: $40


Lithobiomorpha sp. "Small" (Small Soil Centipede)
Maxing out at around 1.5 CMs, this small reddish soil centipede seems to do well scavenging on dog food, fruits and springtails, and perhaps fungus gnat larvae and other small inverts in the substrate. Not really sure of any practical applications for these, and they have pest potential for small/fragile invert colonies for sure. Just kinda neat to have a small and easy to breed centipede.
10 Mixed: $25

Pyrgodesmidae sp. "Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia" (Malaysian Pink Micropede)
These are tiny pink millipedes new to culture, maxing out at around 5mm. Very easy to breed and rather hardy, though can be slow to establish cultures of. They enjoy an organically rich substrate, warmth, and high humidity. Eggs are laid in clumps in chambers made from frass, and usually attached to objects or the sides of the container underground.
10 Mixed: $50


Cheliferidae sp. "Ector County, TX" (Ector County Pseudoscorpion)
This species is prolific and pretty easy to breed communally. Lots of surface area and springtail prey is recommended for optimal results, as well as a 50/50 humidity gradient.
8 Mixed: $80 (Ask for Availability)

Cheliferidae sp. "Flamingo, FL" (Everglades Pseudoscorpion)
This small Cheliferid does pretty well communally and seem less inclined to cannibalism than others from this subfamily. As with many of their relatives, a 50/50 humidity gradient is appreciated, though they seem a tad more tolerant of higher humidity than some of the more arid loving Cheliferids I keep. They devour springtails.
8 Mixed: $75 (Ask for Availability)

cf. Hesperochernes sp. "Livonia, MI" (Mini Mite-Eating Pseudoscorpion)
A small species that spends a lot of time just above or just below the substrate level. Prefers Oribatid mites and springtails as their main food source (though I personally wouldn't recommend them as an effective method of pest control).
8 Mixed: $80 (Ask for Availability)

Dinocheirus arizonensis (Arizona Mega Pseudoscorpion)
This large and easy to breed species from Arizona does well communally, so long as there is ample space and food available. They feed well on springtails and micro-roaches.
8 Mixed: $150 (Ask for Availability)

Libitioides sayi forma sayi "Lake Keystone area, OK - Patternless" (Say's Harvestman)
This is one of the easiest harvestmen to culture. Will feed readily on dog food, fruits, and springtails/fruit flies, along with a wide array of other organic matter. Make sure to keep humidity high, and provide lots of hides and litter for individuals of all ages.
8 Mixed: $85 (Ask for Availability)

Stygnomma spiniferum spiniferum "Big Pine Key, FL"
These little cuties are easy to breed so long as they're given adequate space and surface area, and adults seem to have a preference for Compsodes/Nocticola sp. prey item in my experience. Smaller instars will hunt springtails and smaller nymphs of the above roaches, and all life stages presumably will at least nibble on various prekilled inverts, fruits and dog food.
8 Mixed: $85 (Ask for Availability)

Springtails, Psocids & Mites:

*Springtail culture purity guaranteed to be at least 75% or more of the selected species. Some cross contamination is expected based on the propensity for springtails to jump cultures and coexist with other species.*

Coecobrya cf. tenebricosa (Tropical Pink Springtails)
ex. Sinella curviseta. Originates from Ohio, brought into the hobby 30~ years ago by Orin McMonigle. Very prolific species that can handle a wide range of conditions, but does best in consistently humid setups.
20 Mixed: $5
50 Mixed: $10

cf. Ectopsocus richardsi (Richard's Barklouse)
First ever hobby offering of these cuties, this species prefers very dry conditions, and goes nuts for artificial pollen. Should be cultured on bark, and it seems all life stages can climb (but really don't seem to ever want to leave the bark they dwell on). Females guard their eggs, a rare behavior for barklice!
10 Mixed: $15 (Ask for Availability)

Lepidocyrtus sp. "Small Silver" (Small Silver Springtails)
The most common springtails in culture, hard to find someone who doesn't have these in their collection already. They do well with most inverts I've worked with, never seem to stress any species out.
20 Mixed: $5 (Ask for Availability)

Liposcelis sp. "TDE" (Booklice)
A tiny, nondescript booklouse species that I'm pretty sure hitchhiked with some Tenebrio I got from Ty Dye Exotics, that has since established itself in several of my darkling bins. Easy to breed and hardy, a good cleaner crew option for dryer tanks in my opinion.
10 Mixed: $15 (Ask for Availability)

Neanura growae "FL" (Florida Orange Springtails)
The US native alternative to the popular Yuukianura, these cuties are just as easy to culture, preferring moist conditions and lots of organic matter to feed on.
20 Mixed: $25 (Ask for Availability)

Pseudosinella violenta "Bylas, AZ" (Bylas Ant Springtails)
Small, silvery white springtails that breed prolifically in humid conditions.
20 Mixed: $15

Oribatida sp. "Red" (Red Oribatid Mite)
These mites are good for really only one thing... outcompeting grain mites. They have the same ecological niche, however unlike grain mites they rarely attach to insects in a hypopus stage (I have seen them do it, but infrequently). They're a lesser evil if you will, an O.K alternative to grain mites if you have a lot of grain mite issues.
20 Mixed: $5

Stratiolaelaps scimitus *ex Hypoaspis miles* (Predatory Mite)
Great fungus gnat control, and they also feed on grain mites, certain springtails, and nematodes.
15 Mixed: $8 (Ask for Availability)

Desert Predatory Mites (Mesostigmata sp. "Idaho")
An unknown species of predatory mite, they seem very well adapted to drier climates and thrive in my darkling beetle enclosures, where they mostly seem to feed on grain mites. Similar to the above S.scimitus, but faster, glossier and not hairy at all, will sometimes exhibit phoresy when they run out of food.
15 Mixed: $8 (Ask for Availability)


Orders $50 or higher can choose ONE free group of any of these spp:

10 Balta notulata
10 Melanozosteria soror
10 Armadillidium vulgare "Orange Vigor"

Orders $100 or higher can choose ONE free group of any of these or the above spp:

10 Euthyrrhapha pacifica
10 Euborellia arcanum
10 Porcellio ornatus "Witch's Brew"

Orders $200 or higher can choose ONE free group of any of the below spp., & ONE of the above spp:

10 Perisphaerus punctatus
10 Porcellionides cf. virgatus "BPK"
10 Gyna bisannulata

Terms & Conditions:

Minimum order $25* not including shipping. Minimum order requirements for freebie groups also don't include shipping costs. Will not ship roaches to FL other than the few species marked "*FL Legal*". We accept Paypal, Zelle, & Cashapp. I almost always ship domestically via USPS Priority Mail, shipping via normal Priority usually costs $15-18. USPS 2 Day Express usually costs around $60, and often isn't worth the trouble IMO, but that is an option as well. Heat packs, if needed for LAG in cold weather, will cost an extra $5 per pack.
I normally ship out on Tuesdays for all payments and mailing addresses received by Monday evening. (So if you place an order on Monday night, it will most likely not be shipped out until Tuesday of the FOLLOWING week).

I will ONLY label packages "Hold For Pickup" you know your post offices handles these types of packages with little issue, more specifically, packages sent with the official USPS HFP label. For some reason some post offices have a tendency too wildly mishandle packages labeled HFP, and will try to return to sender as a result.
So if you have never received packages with the USPS HFP label at your post office before, or have had issues with HFP in the past, I will NOT guarantee LAG when using this service. So in that case, if your temps are too extreme, you won't be able to accept delivery at home, or if you have any other reason for not being able to have the invertebrates shipped to your door, then I advise you wait for more favorable shipping conditions before making an order.

If your local temperatures are in the 40's or below and you do not include a heat pack in your order, order at your own risk! Most of the species I offer are flexible when it comes to hot conditions, so if the temperatures in your area are in the 90s or above, we can discus an LAG on a case by case basis.
If the package is left outside in your mailbox or on your doorstep for longer than an hour, OR if you fail to pick the package up from the PO the day of arrival, I'm not responsible for any resulting DOAs.

If, for some reason the invertebrates arrive dead, after being brought indoors within an hour of arrival to your residence (or picked up from the PO on the day of arrival) and they were shipped during weather I suggested should be fine, you must send photographic evidence of the dead invertebrates in question within 24 HOURS of arrival, and we can work on a replacement shipment or partial refund. If no proof in the form of a photo or a video is supplied, I will not take any responsibility for DOAs, and the LAG will be void.

Contact me to order, or if you have any questions at:

*International orders must be a minimum of $80. Shipping costs vary, upwards of $50 depending on country. No LAG provided.


  1. Do you plan to breed/raise praying mantid at some point?

  2. Not really, they seem too high maintenance for my taste, and overall most species don't really interest me enough to want to keep some.

    There are a few exceptions though, I would consider keeping some of the Metallyticus species, as well as Amorphoscelis perhaps. :) Of course those are both extremely rare so I'm unlikely to ever get any lol!

    1. Not even interested in Phyllocrania paradoxa? Let me tell you, those are amazing-looking in real life!LOL

      Basically the ones that look like roaches then. ;)

    2. Nah, not interested in keeping that species, but I will agree that they are quite amazing little creatures! :)

      Yeah, basically lol! Love the flattened appearance of the whole bark mantid group, too bad most of the really cool ones are both rare and difficult to keep/breed.

    3. I kept a few a while back(my first arthropod pets in fact) and I still don't think I've kept a more intriguing invert since then, the little things look and act almost exactly like dead leaves!

      Yea, pretty unfortunate. I tried keeping G.grisea last year and failed miserably at even keeping them alive. :( A lot of people report that mantids are easy, but it's just the opposite in my experience, maybe I have a mantis curse on me! LOL

      Oh and just realized that I commented previously as my dad, sorry about that. lol

    4. Yeah, they are very neat looking, but just not my cup of tea as far as keeping goes...

      Yeah, G.grisea is the perfect example of how difficult bark mantids are to culture, they require very specific perching materials, humidity levels and even prey items, which makes them a pain to rear. Even under the best conditions, I think they have a poor survival rate anyway, at least that's what I've gathered.

      Was wondering if he was related to you or not lol, was quite confused for a little bit lol! :p

    5. Fair enough.

      Yea, although I think mine may have died from stress caused by my S.curviseta...

      Sorry to cause you I've gotten freaked out before when mysterious people have commented on my blog, but luckily they've just ended up being my aunt and grandma. lol

    6. Dang, sorry to heat that, were they very numerous in their enclosures?

      Lol yeah I think I read the comments in one of those posts, you were a little freaked out that some "random" person had replied to your post, just turned out to be a relative though. :)

    7. Yes, very.....I was pretty naïve back then, didn't know that springtails could actually stress out another invert to death.

      Yea, I definitely said something like that. LOL

      BTW sorry for butchering your sale page. lol You're welcome to delete my comments. :)

    8. Me neither, until I lost my Chorisoneura texensis! Dang critters are supposed beneficial, not harmful!!

      Oh no problem, I don't mind it at all. :)

  3. Good morning,
    I am looking for Tenebrio Obscurus if you have any for sale. Any amount will do for a culture. Thank you.

    1. Hi there,

      I don't have any T.obscurus for sale at the moment, once I do though, I will definitely put them up on the list though! :)

      Thanks for inquiring!

  4. Hello. Do you ever have motyxia's available

    1. Unfortunately I was unable to successfully breed Motyxia, like pretty much everyone else who's kept them so far. All of mine died a long time ago, might have some available this year though, who knows.

  5. Hey do you know when you will have phyrophorus larvae for sale again.

    1. For some reason I'm temporarily locked out of my blogger account and so have to use my mom's, but this is Invertebrate Dude, and unfortunately I'm out of stock of Pyrophorus, will be for a year or more unless the two adults I now have that were late to mature end up being a pair. Might have Ignelater available in the coming months though, the largest US native Pyrophorini species. :)

    2. Thanks and I hope for your success

    3. Thanks! I may be out of Pyrophorus larvae now, but I do have the very similar US native Ignelater havaniensis available, first hobby offering ever! :)

  6. Replies
    1. Yup, got plenty in stock! Email me if interested! ;)

  7. Hi buddy, do you send out to the UK at all?

  8. Is there any way to sign up for alerts when you have noctilucus or havaniensis available again? I’ve been searching all over for some but haven’t had much luck finding people culturing them besides you.

    1. Not really, though I can try to remember to comment here again when they are available, which may or may not send ya a notification/email. 😅 I won't have Pyrophorus available for 1-2 years, might not have Ignelater for a year or so either. But I will probably have Deilelater physoderus available in a couple months.

    2. Thank you! I’ll be sure to check back then. Is Deilelater about the same difficulty to keep as the other two?

    3. Yup, care is the same as for Pyrophorus and Ignelater.

    4. I have the Deilelater available now BTW. :)

  9. Do you ship to México?

  10. Hi buddy ,can you deliver to Asia?

  11. are you ever going to sell Macropanesthia rhinoceros

    1. Hopefully one day, if I can ever get a colony going successfully. So far luck hasn't been on my side in that regard.

  12. I might be an idiot but I can’t figure out how to buy products. Is there a “Buy” button I’m not seeing or do I have to contact you?

    1. Yeah you need to contact me through email to make an order. I don't have any automated system set up for this, as that would make matters complicated with certain species that I need to check availability on frequently.

  13. I've always been interested in katydids or Orthopterans in general as they are bred very rarely in captivity in the US. Any thoughts on possibly breeding orthopterans?
