Aeluropoda insignis X Princisia vanwaerebeki "Tiger" Hybrids

Images used with Kyle Kandilian's permission. A male A.insignis was placed in an enclosure with female P.vanwaerebeki "Tiger", they successfully bred, these are adults from the resulting brood.

Male ©Roachcrossing

Male female pair ©Roachcrossing

Interesting looking hybrids for sure, and proof of the fact that it really isn't safe to house any two hisser species together... As unlikely as it may seem, with the taxonomy of the Gromphadorhini being as screwy as it is, there's just no telling what could happen in terms of hybridization.

Update 2021:

Kyle has confirmed the hybrids are fertile, and have produced offspring for him. 

More pictures of F1 adults. 

Female ©Roachcrossing

Male ©Roachcrossing